Monday, September 8, 2008

What am I doing?

Or should I say, "What did you do all day?" I've never heard that before....

I just finished day three kidless. And I have to admit, I look back right before the kids get off the bus and think, what did I do? I told Andy, I have an adjustment period before I can jump right into the list of things to do while the kids are away. He gratefully told me that I do deserve a one hour nice!

I wonder how long it will take me to finish my never-ending list, in no particular order:

Clean out the entire basement (okay, impossible - we've moved five times in the last 10 you know how much stuff we have accumulated?)

Clean out the garage so we can park in there before the snow comes (I did finally put away the slip and slide and giant water slide today)

Stop drinking during the day

Stop stalking the playground

Avoid the windows because I know no one else is home on the street

Organize and create photo albums (Libby is turning five and I haven't even started an album so I'm at least five years behind)

Exercise (I did run the last three days..beyond to the mailbox)

Laundry and cleaning (that will never go away - I question whether I should have gotten the lasik surgery. Now I can't say that I don't see the dirt and dust)

and finally...stop make more lists to do on my great little pad of today, tomorrow and someday!

Tomorrow is another day.


Laura said...

I like the stop drinking and stalking during the day. Those to-dos made me laugh!

Laura said...

Oh forgot to mention that I checked out the cake blog... hilarious!